terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2009

Ruas da Ilha (6)

Foto: Ilha de Santa Catarina

7 comentários:

alterdom disse...

Ola Sergio,
outra guitarra em outro continente,
a mesma poesia sobrevoa Oceano

Ulrica disse...

I been looking around in your blog at your photos. And I like what I see:)

So nice. And Brazil has a special place in my heart tho my oldest daughter is born there, in Parintins, Amazonas.

She was only a baby, about three weeks old when we got her and sometimes we are going back.

Sergio LdS disse...

Alterdom, a poesia desconhece fronteiras, penso.
Grande abraço.

Sergio LdS disse...

Ulrica, thanks for coming to my blog.
I´m very happy with your admiration for Brazil, and Parintins (a special place). On the other hand, I´m waiting for a favorable circunstance to know Sweden. Perhaps in the next year.
Best regards.

Adelino Marques disse...

Olá Sérgio
Tenho seguido as ruas da Ilha....sempre bem interessantes olhares os teus como esta composição mostra.

Unknown disse...

Excelente perspectiva e graficamente perfeita.

Roxana disse...

perfect composition!